Get Seen by an emergency dentist in Guildford today.

What is a dental emergency in Guildford?
A dental emergency is extremely distressing. Unfortunately, most adults will experience a dental emergency at some point in their lifetime.
At Levitas Dental Clinic Dental Practice in Guildford, we class a dental emergency as anything that causes you extreme pain or which causes bleeding to your teeth or gums.
We treat patients from Guildford, Farnborough, East Horsely, Farnham and throughout Surrey for these common dental emergencies:
- Trauma resulting in a chipped tooth
- A persistent toothache
- A lost crown or filling that causes you pain
- An abscess or painful swelling
- Trauma resulting in a knocked-out tooth
If you have a dental emergency, please call us at the dental surgery in Guildford for an appointment with the emergency dentist.
How to get a dental emergency appointment in Guildford?
At Levitas Dental Clinic Dental Practice in Guildford, we always try to see dental emergencies as soon as we can. If you are suffering a dental emergency, then call us at the dental practice as soon as you can. If you are feeling unwell then ask a friend or family member to make the call as soon as possible.
We are open late in the evenings and during the weekends. If you experience a dental emergency outside of our usual opening hours (Monday to Friday 7am – 8pm and Saturday to Sunday 7am to 8pm) then please call 111 who can advise you what to do next.

What should I do in a dental emergency in Guildford?
We recommend our patients from Farnham, Guildford, East Horsely, Farnborough and throughout Surrey call us to book an appointment with the emergency dentist in Guildford as soon as possible. You can then follow this advice for the most common dental emergencies:
A chipped tooth
If you suffer a severe chip or fracture to your tooth, then you may need an emergency filling or crown. Take paracetamol for any pain you are experiencing and try swilling your mouth in salt water which can help ease the pain too. The emergency dentist should be able to file down any uneven edges and replace missing parts with a tooth-coloured filling.
A knocked-out tooth
This is distressing but try to stay calm as time is critical in being able to save a knocked-out tooth. Be sure to call us as soon as possible. If you can find your knocked-out tooth, keep it safe either in your mouth or in a cup of cold milk to stop it from drying out and bring it with you to see the emergency dentist. Only handle the knocked-out tooth by the crown and not by the tooth root. Take paracetamol for any pain you may have.
Painful swelling
Any swelling around your teeth, gums or face should not be ignored. It could be caused by an infection or a dental abscess which is an infection that leads to a buildup of pus in the tooth, gum or jaw.
You may experience pain, swelling or inflammation in your mouth. Take paracetamol for any pain, stay upright, do not lie flat and drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated.
Emergency Dentist Guildford FAQ
What can I do about my child’s knocked-out baby tooth?
Should I book an emergency dental appointment for a broken filling?
Should I go to A&E with a dental emergency?
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All services are also available to non-members.